Quick Start ============ Run the install script ----------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ curl https://cloud.swiftstack.com/v1/AUTH_gowf/gowf/install-gowf.sh | bash .. note:: The install script currently supports - Mac OS - Linux OS - FreeBSD jail on FreeNas For Windows users, please download the binary file in below, - `Windows - gowf.exe `_ If you want to run install script on a FreeBSD jail on FreeNas, here is a reference command that runs on FreeNAS 11.2-RELEASE. .. code-block:: bash root@freenas[~]# iocage create --release 11.2-RELEASE --name gowf.jail \ boot="on" \ allow_raw_sockets="1" \ ip4_addr="em0|" \ resolver="nameserver;nameserver" \ defaultrouter="" root@gowf:~ # pkg update && pkg install curl sudo bash root@gowf:~ # curl https://cloud.swiftstack.com/v1/AUTH_gowf/gowf/install-gowf.sh | bash Generate and modify the configuration file ---------------------------------------------- Run ``gowf config`` to generate a configuration file and also it shows you the locations of binary, configuration and log files. .. code-block:: bash $ gowf config # Config: /etc/gowf/gowf.conf # Binary: /bin/gowf # Log: /var/log/gowf/gowf.log Generate config file: /etc/gowf/gowf.conf Swift endpoint: https://swift.example.com/auth/v1.0 User name: charles Password: -> Connection verification: Passed Monitor folder: /tmp/source Remote container: mylocalfolder -> Updated config: /etc/gowf/gowf.conf .. note:: You might see different locations when you run GoWF on different operating systems. MacOS: Config: /Users//gowf/gowf.conf Log: /Users//gowf/log/gowf.log Linux and FreeNAS: Config: /etc/gowf/gowf.conf Log: /var/log/gowf/gowf.log Windows: Config: C:/\/\config/\gowf.conf Log: C:/\/\log/\gowf.log And then you can check the configuration file to see if that matches your expectation. .. code-block:: ini $ cat /etc/gowf/gowf.conf [global] user = charles auth = https://swift.example.com/auth/v1.0 key = concurrency = 2 # default segment_size is 100MB # Allow suffix size string (B, KB, MB, GB) segment_size = 100MB segment_container_prefix = .segment_ recursive = False preserve_path = True [/tmp/source] storage_policy = Standard-Replica container = mylocalfolder # `archive` mode: # Once the local files uploaded to swift, it will # try to delete these local files in a certain time that # you set in `keep_local_files` # `sync` mode: # Sync local files to Swift, and won't delete local files. # mode = sync # How long you would like to keep these files in local # This option is only valid when you set `mode = archive` # y: year, w: week, d: day, h: hour, m: minute, s: second # keep_local_files = 30m # split with comma # file_patterns = *.txt, *.log # file_patterns = *abc* # expired remote object in `expired_after` # y: year, w: week, d: day, h: hour, m: minute, s: second # expired_after = 60d # Metadata for objects # metadata = key1:val1, key2:val2 $ ls -al /etc/gowf/.vaults/ total 8 drwx------ 3 charles staff 96 Apr 26 15:58 ./ drwxr-xr-x 38 charles staff 1216 May 6 15:53 ../ -rw------- 1 charles staff 537 Apr 26 15:58 ac8c8b5883edbb66f8ea6c76f7dab3bfba48aabe .. note:: In the example above, the value of ``key`` is empty due to GoWF stored the key to an encrypted file under ``.vaults`` directory in the same folder that ``gowf.conf`` stored. If you already have the key in gowf.conf and want to use an encrypted file to store the key, please check :ref:`here ` to get more details. Install and start the GoWF service ---------------------------------------------- Currently we support these service scripts in below, - ``launchctl`` on MacOS. .. code-block:: bash ### Install/uninstall system script $ sudo gowf service install $ sudo gowf service uninstall ### Start/stop system service $ sudo gowf service start $ sudo gowf service stop ### Check service $ launchctl list |grep gowf - ``Systemd`` and ``SysVinit`` on Linux distribution. .. code-block:: bash ### Install/uninstall system script for Linux $ sudo gowf service install $ sudo gowf service uninstall ### Start/stop system service $ sudo gowf service start $ sudo gowf service stop ### for systemd $ sudo systemctl start gowf $ sudo systemctl stop gowf $ sudo systemctl status gowf ### for sysvinit on Linux and rc script on FreeBSD $ sudo service gowf start $ sudo service gowf stop $ sudo service gowf status - ``Windows Service`` on Windows. .. code-block:: bash ### Install/uninstall Windows service with Administrator $ gowf.exe service install $ gowf.exe service uninstall ### Start/stop Windows service $ gowf.exe service start $ gowf.exe service stop You can find the service name called ``Go Watch Folder for swift`` in Service management window. .. image:: _static/gowf_win_service_1.png Here is the detail of ``Go Watch Folder for swift`` service. .. image:: _static/gowf_win_service_2.png - ``rc script`` for FreeBSD jail. .. code-block:: console ### Install script will create a rc script for FreeBSD jail. ### rc script on FreeBSD jail root@gowf:~ # sudo service gowf start root@gowf:~ # sudo service gowf stop root@gowf:~ # sudo service gowf status ### Start/stop jail root@freenas[~]# iocage start root@freenas[~]# iocage stop ### Add the shared folder that you want to monitor in GoWF root@freenas[~]# iocage fstab -a "/mnt/test /mnt/test nullfs rw 0 0" Successfully added mount to gowf's fstab root@freenas[~]# iocage fstab -l +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | INDEX | FSTAB ENTRY | +=======+==============================================================+ | 0 | /mnt/test /mnt/iocage/jails/gowf/root/mnt/test nullfs rw 0 0 | +-------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ ### Start FreeBSD jail and upload files from /mnt/test to remote Swift cluster root@freenas[~]# iocage start Quick check the GoWF log ---------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ tail -f /var/log/gowf/gowf.log Help message --------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ gowf -h Go WatchFolder Usage: gowf --config CONFIG_FILE [--config CONFIG_FILE]... [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--log-rotate] [--stats-folder FOLDER] [--exporter-port EXP_PORT] [--dedup|--purgededup|--statdedup] [--download CONTAINER OBJECT PATH] [--list CONTAINER] [-o | --once] gowf -u | --update gowf -h | --help gowf --version gowf service install | uninstall | start | stop gowf config Options: --config CONFIG_FILE A configuration file. To run multiple config files, please try "--config --config ". --log-file LOG_FILE Log file [default: gowf.log]. --log-level LOG_LEVEL Log level (DEBUG|INFO) [default: INFO]. --log-rotate Rotate log when file size reaches 512MB and the max backup is 20. --stats-folder FOLDER Store statistic output in the folder [default: ]. --exporter-port EXP_PORT Enable Prometheus exporter for statistic and use this port number [default: 9988]. CONTAINER Remote continer name. OBJECT Remote object name. PATH Download object to specific path. -o --once Only run one pass of daemon. -u --update Update to the latest version. -h --help Show this message. --version Show Version. service install|uninstall Install/uninstall GoWF service(sysv/systemd/launchctl) script service start|stop Start/stop GoWF service config [CONFIG_FILE] Generante a configuration file ** HERE ARE EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES, PLEASE CONTACT SWIFTSTACK FIRST ** --dedup Enable dedup feature for large object. --purgededup Enable purge dedup feature for large object. --statdedup Enable get dedup segment reference counting. Download latest binary --------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ curl https://cloud.swiftstack.com/v1/AUTH_gowf/gowf/download-gowf.sh | bash