Release NotesΒΆ

gowf (0.3.4)

	* Added log rotate option (`--log-rotate`).

gowf (0.3.3)

	* Cached md5sum of files to prevent checker consumes unnecessary disk I/O.

gowf (0.3.2)

	* Support encrypted files to store user's password.
	* Allow users to list and download objects from target containers like a CLI tool.

gowf (0.3.1)

	* Fix upload objects (subdirectories) issue when recursive = False

gowf (0.3.0)

	* Support Win32

	* Fixed multiple configuration files issue.

gowf (0.2.9)

	* Fixed out of memory issue when upload multiple files with dedup

gowf (0.2.8)

	* Add human readable format for configuration file.
	* Disable Prometheus exporter when the port is not avaliable.
	* Add more deduper metics.
	* Support FreeBSD jail on FreeNas.

gowf (0.2.7)

	* Fixed crash issue when initial prometheus exporter.

gowf (

	* [CI] Fixed release issue.

gowf (0.2.6)

	* Improve checker perforamnce and reduce unnecessary HEAD requests
	* Show an alert when GoWF service is running during the GoWF upgrade
	* Added service subcommand to help message
	* [CI] Fixed integraion and installation scripts

gowf (

	* Fixed installation scripts

gowf (

	* [CI] Fixed integraion and installation scripts

gowf (

	* Fix upgrade server url

gowf (

	* Updated installation sctipts

gowf (

	* Fixed a endless bug when use `--update` or `--purgededup`

gowf (0.2.5)

	* Built-in system services script (Mac/Linux)
	* Update install script and provide Mac version
	* Expose `checker_interval` in global section

	* [CI] Added Integration Test and tag with VM Runner (dind) while match repo name
	* [CI] Added Installation Test and tag with VM Runner (dind) while merge from develop to master

gowf (0.2.4)

	* Integrate with Promethues
	* Provide --once for only run once
	* [bug] fix dedup trigger
	* [ci] add integration test

gowf (0.2.3)

	* [Bug] Fixed dedup doesn't activate when no `anchor` option under folder

gowf (0.2.2)

	* Use double dash `--` as prefix of command line arguments.

	* [Bug] Fixed wrong header of dedup middleware

gowf (0.2.1)

	* [Hotfix] Fixed loop issue in GoWF.

gowf (0.2.0)

	* [Feature] Dedup Purge.
	* [Feature] Add `sync` and `archive` mode.

	* [Bug] Fixed SLO upload issue with unnecessary additional bytes.

gowf (0.1.0)

	* [Docs] Update document.

gowf (0.0.10)

	* [Feature] Dedup configuration parameters
	* [Feature] Dedup middleware for swift
	* [Feature] Add custom metadata

gowf (0.0.9)

	* Add `expired_after` option in folder section
	* Add deduper-anchor metadata for SLO manifest

gowf (0.0.8)

	* Support dedup

gowf (

	* [CI/CD] Push new release to cloud.

gowf (0.0.7)

	* Add statistic report path

	* Fix a crash issue in upload queue

gowf (

	* Fixed go routines crash issue

	* Update systemd script

gowf (0.0.6)

	* Adde storage-policy support

	  Allow users to specific storage policy for container and segment

	* Improved statistic report.

	* Fixed serval bugs

gowf (0.0.5)

	* Added statistics

	  Dump statistics to local file (`gowf`)  or fetch json output from web

gowf (0.0.4)

	* Added autoupdate

	  Use `-update` to fetch the latest version.

gowf (0.0.3)

	* Added web gui (gowf-web) binary

	  Allow user to launch watch-folder task from browser

	* Support per-account configuration

	  Allow user to run gowf with mulitple configuration files to connect different
	  Swift account and monitor the folders they want.

gowf (0.0.2)

	* Added checker to monitor the existing files

	  Make use existing files have a remote copy, if not, checker will trigger
	  a upload event to upload it again.

gowf (0.0.1)

	* Single object upload

	* SLO support

	* Support to monitor multiple folders

	* Concurrent workers to upload objects

	* Support file name patterns

	* Monitor folders recursively

	* Support prompt password